Mother's Day Out

During the school year we provide a program

for our 2 - 5 years old children.

MDO meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 2 pm,

August through May.

Call the church office for more details about this program.

MDO is a ministry of FBC, serving Dayton and the surrounding Area. Through the teaching of God’s word, children in our program learn social, developmental, and educational age-appropriate skills.

CHRIST - Connection - Curriculum

Mother’s Day Out is off to a great start this year. We had a successful first Mom’s Meeting where Angie Schafer encouraged mothers to share their sincere faith with their children based on 2 Timothy 1.

Our upcoming Grandparent’s Day Celebration is October 17 at 9:15 am. We will need people to greet guests, serve refreshments, and help clean up. If you would like to volunteer during this special time, please let me know.

Do you enjoy reading? MDO is looking for Mystery Readers. Join us on Tuesday or Thursday at 10:00 am to share your favorite children’s book with the students. Sign-up sheet is in the preschool area.

Our staff appreciates your prayers and support as we serve in this ministry. Please reach out if you would like to know more about MDO.

-Tosha Young, MDO Director

September 2024 Newsletter

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