First Baptist Church

Dayton, TN

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 

who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Church Pictorial Directory

It’s Time….….to sign up for the new Church Directory! 

Here is the link to sign up for our Church Directory:

Pictorial Directory

Appointments Sign Up!

You can also call the Portrait Cafe to make your appointment at 1-877-896-9667 ext. 360.

Please call soon. We want all of our families to be represented in this new directory. If you have questions, you may contact Diane Emens or the church office at 775-0255.

Sign up Today!!

Summer Bible Study

for Kids

Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm

The Summer Bible Study for kids, Lord, Teach Me to Pray, starts June 19th at 6:00 PM. During the summer, we will have a training facility for God's Special Forces. This is an elite team made up of guys and girls who want to know God (the Commander in Chief) and have a special relationship with Him. As part of God's Special Forces, you will be trained as a communications specialist and will

learn how to pray God's way. Prayer is our direct line of communication with the Commander in Chief, and the only training manual is His training manual, the Bible, the source of all truth. Are you up for the challenge? If so, head to the barracks (foyer) and sign up today! 

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts

Christmas trees have been placed in the foyers as a reminder that it is time to purchase school supplies for shoebox gifts. Take an ornament (or two), purchase the items listed

and bring the items to the church. Collection boxes are in the foyers. We will use the items to fill shoeboxes in October. July is a great time to purchase school supplies at reduced prices. School supplies are a great

addition to shoebox gifts.

Bible Study Opportunity

Study on Prayer

Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, Pastor Bob

Volunteers Needed

Workers are needed in many areas, 

but especially the areas listed below:

• Teachers for Children’s Church (once a month rotation) See Angie.

• Volunteers (about 5) to use the computer to help folks make photo appointments for the church directory. See Diane Emens.

• Truth4Kids leaders and teachers are needed. See Angie Schafer or attend meeting, July 31 at 5:00 pm.

• Several volunteers are needed for the Good News Club held Tuesdays at Dayton City School, August – May. See Pastor Bob or Angie for more details.

Super Summer Sunday Nights, 6:00 pm

A study in the book of Philippians! Living Joyful in an upside-down world!

Our World wants to empty us from the Joy that Jesus gives! How do we remain full of Joy? Hopefully this study will help!

Along with our study in the book of Philippians, we will have an ice cream social. We’ll have homemade ice cream, toppings and a great time of fellowship. Join us!

Revelation Part 3: Precept Upon Precept

Starts August 6

See Karen Levengood in the foyer for your book and instruction sheet.

Kids4Truth Clubs

New Kids Program, August 7th, 2024

Kids4Truth Clubs, First Baptist Church Dayton, 6:00pm


     Kids4Truth Clubs equips local churches, families, or ministry-minded individuals to reach kids worldwide through creatively and memorably taught doctrinal truth.

     The Kids4Truth curriculum has a very defined scope and sequence. The curriculum is broken up into twelve key doctrines of our faith. Each of these doctrinal themes contain ten question and answers along with supporting Bible verses. The curriculum is available in four age levels designed to cover all twelve doctrinal themes. This knowledge is repeated and deepened in every level of learning in order to give these children a firm grasp of basic Bible doctrine and a solid framework whereby to base all other life decisions. As the child progresses through the four levels, the same doctrines will be studied more thoroughly and with the purpose of deepening each child’s understanding and appreciation of God’s truth.

*Like Awana, Kids are motivated with award patches and a Kids4truth store.


1: God’s Word – The Bible

2: The Greatness of God

3: The Goodness of God 4: The Trinity

5: God’s Creation

6: God’s View of You 7: God’s Law

8: Jesus Christ

9: God’s Gift – Salvation 10: God’s Purpose for His Children 11: God’s Work, Past and Present 12: God’s Plan for the Future

Church Services

1. Live streaming continues.  The video can be viewed on the following websites, YouTube and Facebook:

Worship July 21, 2024 Live Stream

Philippians Bible Study Night 5

We are going to live stream our worship service this Sunday morning at 10:15 AM. Follow the link above and wait for the stream to start. It could possibly start a couple minutes after 10:15 so stay on the page until it starts.

2. Sunday School Teaching, The Book of Acts: Dr. Les Warren is starting a new study "The Book of Acts" during his Sunday School Teaching at 9:15 AM. The series is titled “The Birth and Development of the Early Church”. Click below for the video. The videos will be posted each Sunday morning at 9:15 AM on Facebook and YouTube. Click the following link:

July 21: "A Witness at Home"

Acts 22:1-29

The Book of Acts Part 49

Dr. Les Warren

If You Missed It...

If you missed our services , please click on the following link to watch any of the services we have posted: Worship Recordings

  • Church Motto

    First......that all may know Jesus.

    This is the motto of First Baptist Dayton, TN

    taken from 1 Timothy 2:3-5.

     "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,"

  • From the Pastor:

    First Baptist Family!

    Happy Birthday!

    July 4th, 1776 is considered the Birthday of the

    United States of America, while the Declaration

    of Independence is considered our Birth


    This year we turn 248 years and I fear not that

    we will cease to exist, but that we will not be


    One of the signers of the declaration was a

    very accomplished man that may have been the

    most respected men involved in that wonderful

    document; His name was Benjamin Rush.

    In addition, he was also known for being

    surgeon general of the continental army; ratifier

    of the constitution; “father of American

    medicine”; treasurer of the U.S. mint; “father of

    public schools under the constitution”.

    Let me share 3 quotes to give you confidence

    that we were founded on Christian principles.

    “Christianity is the only true and perfect religion;

    and in proportion as mankind adopt its principles

    and obey its precepts, they will be wise and


    “The Bible contains more knowledge necessary to

    man in his present state than any other book in the


    “The Bible, when not read in schools, is seldom

    read in any subsequent period of life… The

    Bible… should be read in our schools in

    preference to all other books because it contains

    the greatest portion of that kind of knowledge

    which is calculated to produce private and public


    This July, take the time and read the true history

    of our nation. If we knew how our country was

    founded maybe we wouldn’t be so quick to give it

    away to the ungodly!

    Have Faith! Have Knowledge! Stand Up!

    Pastor Bob



9:00 a.m. ~ Sunday School for All Ages

10:15 a.m. ~ Worship Service


6:00 p.m. ~ Awana

6:00 p.m. ~ Student Ministries

6:00 p.m. ~ Prayer Meeting and Discipleship Groups